Thursday, 14 May 2015

Food for Thought - Production - Animation Progress 4

So I was a ninny and realised that mov files would be too big to upload up here, but I believe these two will be enough to show how the lip syncing animation went, I will however try to include some more scenes on my submission disc.

I managed to finish sketching all the key scenes this morning (I had to sadly exclude the hop and spin scene due to its complexity and its need for lip syncing as well, but I believe we can still connect the other two scenes together smoothly without it), and as you can see here, there are numerous work files on both my hard disk and dropbox account. They have all also been ordered properly for our reference (And for my OCD) so that it would easier to put them all together later on as one animation.

Now if you will excuse me, I still have other tasks to attend to, despite how badly destroyed my hand by now...

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