Sunday, 24 April 2016

The Bond of Four - Some Animation Progress 2

    I spent the last few days working on Scene 1, it should be finished by Thursday for the presentation. It was pretty late in when I realised that it would be weird to not to animate her bangs seeing as the rest of her hair was already moving with the wind. So much like what I did with Scene 8 and Ohana, I couldn't leave those bangs as it is and had to animate them too... this would have been a more noticeable detail however, so it was worth it. Lighting and colouring once again proved to be a huge pain, while I was tempted to leave her hair as a simple colour block, I eventually added in some lighting and outlined the shape of it (Mainly because all the examples I referred to made sure to outline every single thing when it came to their characters), I did however decided to take out the lighting for her bangs as I didn't think that the moonlight would really reach it.

   ... And no, I'm not going to animate her blinking, she doesn't stare down at her adversary in that pose for that long, anyway. I cannot begin to tell you how long it took me to resketch the animation for the second part, her eyes just were not cooperating with me and looked so incredibly creepy if I started at them for too long (Though it was my fault for doodling a little smile behind the fan in one frame...). I kept the fan plain without any shading or details... simply because there was really no time left to figure out how to include those details in effectively (And not just because I didn't want to).

   I had a tough time figuring out many layers of shading I needed to use, but tried my best to keep it to around 3 (The references I looked appeared to stick to that number from what I can see, particularly for more complex shading that is required in night scenes, or at least more dramatically lit ones), it was already a nightmare colouring that small bit of clothing (With its tiny bit of unnecessary lighting around the edges). 

   Overall, I couldn't help but feel that she looked incredibly... derpy in a lot of frames, no matter how many times I resketched them. But knowing I didn't have much time left, I just carried on and just started colouring and shading everything. If my peers and tutor feel that something is off with her face on Thursday, I will just try my best to fix it up some more after the deadline... And I suppose this is what I get for hating on Sailor Moon Crystal Seasons 1 and 2 when I can't even do decent close ups myself.

Don't worry, there's a rooftop there.

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