Monday 14 October 2013


And I now present to you my finished flip book animations:

(Update: Tried doing a slightly better one.)

As mentioned in the previous post, I wounded up redoing the ball animations that I did in class. These were sketched out pretty quickly and so I decided to do a little more by coloring them in as well as add in a shadow that would grow and shrink depending on the distance between the ball and the ground. I believe I found the shadow size the most challenging, more so then making then warping the ball.

I did the same thing for the second ball animation, coloring it and giving it a shadow, however, I also used an arc line as a guide before sketching the ball over, just to make sure I was drawing it in the proper angle and direction.

A friend of mine suggested that I drew a potato sack for my third flip book animation, which was pretty much what Disney made people draw back then as a test if they wanted to work for the studio (Or so I heard...). Unfortunately guides did not work so well for me for this one as compared to the second ball animation, I even changed my mind several times on what the potato sack was meant to do in such a limited number of pages. It was really difficult figuring out how make it warp when it moved, seeing as it had a far more complex shape than a ball.

In the end, I did a very quick storyboard and made sure to just draw in its basic shape before actually adding in the other details.

I am really glad that I received some positive feedback for them today during class, and so I hope to keep getting better!

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