So awhile back during my interim critique, I made sure to remember the background/setting concepts my classmates liked the best, and attempted to combine them in another rough concept as shown below, before I finally started modelling, because I really needed to figure out the lighting as well as the mood.

I was worried that with the moon being the only source of light, that it would be incredibly hard to see most of the details, or anything for that matter. And so I even considered adding in other sources of light, electrical lighting didn't seem to suit such a traditional looking dojo, and so I actually considered adding in some lamps. But I suppose there's nothing wrong because some old dojos do tend to install electrical lighting.
I am still unsure about going with the red skies (And besides, I think my peers chose that concept mainly for the moon itself), it just doesn't really seem to match the mood of the song, and so I also tried more normal, serene, night skies, as well as tried figuring out how much moonlight can light the inside of the dojo.
And if all of that doesn't work out, I can just do the bottom half with invisible electrical lighting! Hopefully I can get most of my modelling done by tomorrow after I get back from class... AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!
But yes, if any of you read this post, please comment and tell me what you think, I could really use some feedback right now.
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