Thursday 23 October 2014

Acting Up - Pre Production - Moom and Pose Studies

It might seem a little unnecessary sketching out concepts/studies of Moom (I also find myself wondering just how much of his appearance we can actually alter), but I find myself wanting to give the guy a little more character as compared to what he has at the moment, if I remembered right, aside from being able to move his pupils, I do believe the size of his features can be changed a tad.

It just gave me the chance to draw again I suppose, because I don't think I
have been doing much of that...
By the looks of the facial controls, I don't think it's possible to create some of these expressions (Or maybe it's just going to take way too much effort and time, especially for the lip syncing (Great, remembering that just nearly made me cry…)), particularly for this project, body language is truly the main focus for when we are to animate our model's performance.

While I'm still trying to figure out how the choreography will go (I mean I have a rough idea but it will take some time getting it all nicely arranged into a storyboard), I decided to do some quick studies, once again it's the spinning of the staff that will be one of the most challenging parts to animate, but again, I have a back up plan to animate something far simpler if it comes to that. 

I'm pretty fond of the ground smashing pose, as well as the
crouching ones. 
The ones on the left were actually rough concepts for the
simplest poses I can think of.

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