Friday 11 March 2016

Extended Practice - Voice Acting 1

   While I had to sadly go back on my offer to do concept art for Becky's project (And it was going to be so fun too... I mean, concept art on a dark fairytale? Ugh... I am just so glad that she was able to get someone else to help her out with it in time) due to the amount of workload I already had for this module and PPP3 (Which I am still struggling to catch up on). I was still able to take up on David's offer to voice act for his main character in Sillie and Millie. Seeing as I recorded a song for his group's Applied Animation 2 project last year for the animated documentary project, that alone was going to make this recording process a lot easier for the two of us (I am still however baffled over the fact that there is only one headphone in that sound booth).

   It was understandable that the both of us were worried that my voice might not have suited Millie, despite my proclamations of being able to sound somewhat like Tara Strong's Bubbles, Timmy Turner and Juliet Starling, there is always that constant fear that the lines I read will not come out as naturally as I want them to. And so during the first few months, whilst David shared with me his script (Sharing some of my thoughts on what lines he should probably change for the sake of his audience and whatnot), I quickly did up a little test recording for him to see if I was still the right choice for voicing his character. And quite frankly, I was so ready to be booted off this project... only to be told that he was happy with what he had heard and that we could easily improve and tweak the rest when the day came to get the recordings done.

   I absolutely enjoy voice acting, hence why I was absolutely willing to take up on this offer when it was given to me. But all I have truly done in my free time is really simple dramatic readings from various comics, it is sadly not often that I can do over-the-top voices due to the fact that I would normally record them in the worst of locations. AKA, my own flat room where the walls are pretty paper thin, and the same goes for my home back in Singapore, where my family can apparently hear me all the way downstairs even when I would confine myself in my third-floor bedroom. And so yelling and screaming is certainly going to be a pretty new experience for me, that's for sure. Either way, I am still going to give it my all.

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