Sunday 2 February 2014

Responding to Sound - Drawings

I decided to just go ahead and get the last two stages done digitally, I did however try to recreate the traditional look for some of them with different brushes. Also to make things easier, I used the same canvas size that would also be used for the animations later on for the images (Darn maybe I should have saved the ones I did on an A4 canvas…) after I roughly drew everything, so I could plan out the compositions in advance.

Arc Hum Build
The sound starts off rather quietly before a loud hissing, spark goes off near the end, so it was pretty easy visualizing this one. The blue used does seem a little 'confetti-ish' though.

Buzzing Computer
It might seem really dull as a lone image, but there are several animation patterns I considered using for when the dots first begin to multiply as I drew this. I was thinking about the computers that were used in the late 1980s when it came to the animation patterns, especially when you see a lone underscore blinking on the screen when 
the computer first starts up (Or was that just in "Alien"...?). 

So it's no surprise how seemingly vintage the colors used in this concept are.

Custard Pie
Pretty much as the name states, all I could visualize for this one was just one messy splat. Though I did mess around with a few brushes to see if I could create different looks for it and to see if I could recreate the same look I did with poster colors.

Frying Egg
Aside from the obvious (You know… frying, sizzling eggs… or amoebas…), I was also visualizing lava lamps and more blobby versions of music equalizers. I should tone it down on the surrounding splats however as it look like an explosion is about to occur (Which does NOT actually match the sound file).

Magic Baboo
This sound file had a considerably more complicated sequence as compared to the rest, and so I decided to just a extract a small part of it for both the drawing and animation later on. The word "Magic" gave me a little hint on what colors I should used, and so I drew inspiration from "Magical Girl" animes when it came to drawing this.

So simply put, I decided to make this one just a little more girly compared to the rest.

Quarrying, Explosion - Single Blast in Hardstone Quarry
It starts off somewhat loud in the beginning, but not deafening enough to fill up the entire screen, before quieting down near the end. It was pretty much a mixture of fireworks and storm clouds to me, so I mixed both together. 

I am pretty happy with the composition for this one as it shows how it starts out loud from the top, before becoming quieter as it begins descending.

Does this count as two colors? Eh better to be safe than sorry.
Rapid Warbling Alarm  
This was the easiest and probably the most fun to draw out, I mean look at it! It's so colorful and messy, I obviously went crazy for this one. The sound was both loud and nauseating to listen to (Well it would be if you listened to it for nearly half an hour like I did), and so I was thinking about seizure inducing animations when it came to this.

… Don't worry, I don't think the animation for this one will cause any awful side effects… just don't stare at it for too long.

Twang, Cartoon Fast Twang, Single
This was strangely the toughest to draw out, initially the center was suppose to be a lone string, but looking up some diagrams on vibrating strings, I believe this look gave a stronger visual on the increasing tension of the "twang".

I am glad that I decided not to animate this one

Pick, Cartoon Fiddle Pick and Rise, Low
Aside from the obvious bounce lines that was visualized upon hearing this sound file, I thought about the various sound waves that occurred each time one bounce had made its brief landing and impact against the ground, as well as the shifting of air waves around it (Perhaps though I could have made the wriggly lines above look less like 'stink' lines).

Color scheme wise, this was based on the colors used for Hanna Barbera's logo.
But then I decided to quickly do up another one with the color scheme I had used from a simpler concept before.
Electric Motor Loop
In a way, this one sounded metallic, I felt that this one needed to be done in black and white or greyscale. There were distant pistons heard in the background, and so I decided to add faded looking piston shapes around the main sound that sounded similar to a drill (Even though there already is a recording of a real drill).

A grittier version, to enhance the sound waves that surround the main sound.

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