Sunday 25 January 2015

Live Brief - Qwertee - Brief Analysis

Qwertee is a site that focuses on selling various tee designs for a limited time, but at low prices. A
n interesting feature that Qwertee has is their "One Tee Shirt, One Day Only, One Incredible Price" offer, where shirt designs are made available for a limited amount of time before they are gone for good.

Design a maximum of 5 shirts.

Designs are limited to 5 colours on dark shirts and 6 on light shirts and a maximum print size of 30x40cm (12x15.75 inches).

No Deadline, Submit Whenever

I didn't do very well for the Ohh Deer contest awhile back (Considering that it was more of a popularity contest), however the voting system for this one is somewhat different. While I am unsure what the outcome will be and what response I will get for my designs, I am sure that I will learn more about what sort of designs appeal to the masses. I will have to also consider my selection of colours for each design as there is a limit for each one.

It is suggested that I shouldn't upload all my designs at once, as my votes will be spread out among them, so it's normally better to submit one or two designs at a time and promote them to get more votes. So my plan is to either get all 5 done over the next week and slowly upload them over the next few weeks, or simply just get 1-2 done each week.

The most popular Qwertee designs seem to be based on existing medias (AKA, fanart), and you would probably have to be an incredibly experienced and well-known designer if you decide to put up an original piece. Fanart based shirt designs will definitely be easier to work on, especially during this short period of time.

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