Sunday 22 February 2015

Competition Brief - Macmillan Children's Books - Interior Illustration 2-1

Whew! I finally got back to this brief, hopefully I can finish it once and for all by the end of this week! I also took some time to clean up the first two the best of my abilities, though I am already reaching that point where I will be glad to never see these drawings again.

For my second interior illustration, I was originally going to illustrate the scene where Alice falls down the rabbit hole, before realising that aside from the fact it would take up way too much time for me to draw all those floating bookshelves and cabinets, it is another scene that has been illustrated hundreds of times.

And so I decided to go with something simpler and instead illustrated the scene where Alice finds a small cake upon shrinking, hoping that it will help her grow back to her original size. Again, this was a simple choice, considering that I only needed to draw the bottom part of the table legs. Though I suppose the perspective proved to be a huge challenge for me, especially when I was trying to figure out how large the floor tiles should actually be.

Cleaned her up some more and added in more details.
I should have drawn the floor on a separate layer.
Gave up eventually and removed it completely.
Threw in some shadows in hopes that it wouldn't look so plain.
... yeah, didn't work, still trying to figure out what to do at this point.

The challenge now is to figure out how to make this piece detailed enough so that it would match the other two as a set... something tells me that I will probably have to try to draw in those floor tiles again... Perhaps I could also add in some sort of wallpaper further at the back as well.

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